Science and Journal Articles

Binaural Beats for Focus, Studying & Relaxation - and Nootropics that Help

What if boosting your brain could be as simple as popping on a pair of headphones?

With brainwave-modulating binaural beats pumping into your ears, you can do just that. Better still, you can customize binaural beats’ cognitive effects by listening different sound frequencies for different mindstates.

As impressive as binaural beats are on their own for influencing the mind, they get may get better when you stack them with nootropics. In the right combinations, binaural beats + nootropics appe

From Neanderthal to neuroscience: healing with sound and voice

Sound and music have been an important part of the human experience as far back as our historical records reach, and cultures all around the world have used aural modalities to heal and communicate for many thousands of years. Current medical and scientific research suggests that music and sound are some of the most effective instruments that can be used to facilitate patient recovery from surgery, trauma, and disease. This article discusses how ancient beliefs and practices concerning music and

Medicinal Music: An Anatomy of Music in the Healing Arts - ProQuest

Sound and music have been an important part of the human experience as far back as our
historical records reach, and cultures all around the world have used aural modalities to heal and communicate for many thousands of years. Current medical evidence and scientific measurements suggest that music and sound are some of the most effective instruments that can be used to facilitate patient recovery from surgery, trauma, and disease.

power of music: Pioneering discoveries in the new science of song The music instinct: Science & song | Music Therapy Perspectives | Oxford Academic

The review considers both The Power of Music: Pioneering Discoveries in the New Science of Song and The Music Instinct: Science & Song simultaneously, as they can serve as companion resources for music therapists interested in music and the neurosciences.

In The Power of Music: Pioneering Discoveries in the New Science of Song, author Elena Mannes explores current breakthroughs in music research in conjunction with neuroscience, physics, astronomy, and music performance to reveal how science ca

Music Therapy: Understanding the Science of Sound

Music Therapy is a fast-growing field in the healing arts. As medical and therapeutic communities continue to explore integral approaches to healthcare and individuals begin to accept responsibility for their role in their own healing process, we gain a better understanding of the amazing resilience (and sensitivity) of our minds and bodies. Supplemental treatments can effectively support, and sometimes even replace, traditional medical treatments and psychological therapies, while holistic and